Weekend 7 - Also

But if you cannot keep the secret, tell it. And if the knowing and the unknowing are the same path, tell it. Questions bare their own answers. What are you asking? Who will you tell?
Break the silence.
It’s as if you have no idea how to begin. It’s as if you’ve never done this before and all you know of the way is a longing for it. Do not confuse that longing for ignorance. If you would be unfolded as a rose unfolds, tell the truth.
If you do not, if you hesitate and falter, if you hold your tongue, there will seem to be a great divide. The righteous and the wronged. There will be wrenching and hoarding and loss. The temporary respite of victory over. If you find yourself choosing sides (oh this please and not that) when you feel the cut of the blade’s withdrawal, the gape of the divide, tell then the love of the other. Claim that.